G-code Explanation
Go rapidly (with maximum traverse rate) to the X/Y/Z position. This code is used for position and not for actual machining.
Format: G00 [X#][Y#][Z#]
Example: G00 Z100
Travel in a straight line using the programmed feed rate (F). This code is used for machining.
Format: G01 [X#][Y#][Z#][F#]
Example: G01 X2.5 Y4.1 F200
Exactly like G02 but the circular motion is going counterclockwise.
Format: G03[X#][Y#][Z#][I#][J#][K#][R#][F#]
Example: G03 X10 Y10 I10 J0 F200
Selects the XY plane for circular movements (see G02 and G03).
Format: G17
Example: G17
G21 Enforce use of millimeter units.
Example: G21
Cancel cutter compensation previously activated by G41 or G42.
Format: G40
Example: G40
G64 Normal stop mode (cancels G61)
Format: G64
Example: G64
G80 Cancels any canned cycle. Please note that G00 – G03 also cancels canned cycles.
Format: G80Example: G80
Basic drilling canned cycle. R is starting plane and Z is total depth. Please note that at the end of the cycle, the return position in Z is controlled by G98 and G99.
Format: G81 [X#][Y#][Z#][R#]
Example: G81 Z-6 R2
G90 Absolute programming mode. Distances given will move the tool relative to an absolute zero.
Format: G90
Example: G90 G00 X10 Y10
G91 Incremental programming mode. Distances given will move the tool relative to the current position of the tool.
Format: G91
Example: G91 G00 Z5
Initial level return at the end of a canned cycle.
Format: G98
Example: G81 G98 Z-7 R2