Next Campaigns

# Name Tag line
1 V²Site Launch Creating the V² Platform completed enough to attract and coordinate contributors.
2 Community Promotion Begin shipping ViCase Mini and ViPC while increasing awareness of V² Modular PC.
3 Press & Shop Work with Press and Retail channels to further increase brand awareness of V² Modular PC.

V²Flow Simple and Fast Contribution

The power of community editing has been proven by wikipedia. V² applies this method (quite possibly for the first time) to standards and products. Editing an article, reporting a bug or providing an idea is all accessible with just one mouse click / tab on the V²Flow Button.

V²Flow gives you even more functions at your fingertips: you can see what we are working on and contribute as needed. Get direct access to the corresponding GitHub Repository. Take the pulse of our community projects.

Once completed, V²Flow will include complete workflows for writing articles, creating artwork, designing PCBs, designing computer cases, and creating PC configurations.

V²Agile is the engine of V²Plan

A generic Agile Development and Toyota Production System that we use to get the job done in V². Key features:

  1. Full GitHub Issues Integration
  2. Cross Repository Management suitable for small to very large GitHub Origanizations
  3. Visualization of Progress in Road Maps and Kanban Boards
  4. Dashboard provides Weekly Sprint Overviews looking three weeks ahead and history of all completed sprints
  5. Consistent documentation with interactive info-graphics to ease learning
  6. Ongoing development in the best spirit of Eating your own dog food, as in we use it to manage ourselves
  7. Detailed and consistent documentation, reducing your time to train new staff.
  8. Consistent integration of V²Agile with V²Flow and GitHub Flow
  9. Easy adaption to other GitHub Organizations. Licensed under CC-BY

For more information please see → Introduction to V²Agile System.